This domain name belongs to Bahia © a registered trademark in the Australian Business Register and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM), you can see that information following the links: ASIC Connect Registry | Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.

Brand Name Information

Registrar: Pedro Martin
A.B.N: 12 928 238 010
Address: 1A Harper Way Menai NSW 2234
Phone: +61 439 007 717

Content Responsibility

In any case, the brand is exempt from any legal responsibility for the contents that are spilled by third parties in any web page of the group. Likewise, BAHIA can not be held responsible for the contents discharged by its customers in their respective websites.

The brand will collaborate univocally and effectively in collaboration with the Authorities, and in the alleged case of violating the Law, the user's IP address will be provided, as well as the rest of the data that they may have in our possession upon judicial request.

Validity of our offers

All the prices are expressed in australian dollars.

PVD Taxes not included unless stated. Non-contractual images.

Valid prices except typographical error. The prices can vary without notice.